Hypertext Foot and mouth 1990s in the UK "Cool Britannia" The past and future Wordlessness Haptic familiarity Instagram Networked painting Sources from the earth Chemical transformation/alchemy Performativity Holonomic brain model Screen memories Parent/child/sibling relationships Memory paintings Jutta Koether (Poussin) National mythology History painting Tableaux Stonehenge Raves Long timescales TJ Clark - The Sight of Death Mike Pearson - Bubbling Tom Freud Surrealism Nostalgia Landscape as a narrative Bachelard - The Poetics of Space The artist's Selfhood Memory Suburbia Intimate knowledge of unremarkable places Local histories Gossip Brexit Sigrid Holmwood Industrial towns/factory villages Miners' strikes Whose right to inhabit the countryside? Ramblers' association Kinder Scout Trespass 1932 Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 Multiple truths Assimilated stories Oblivion Shame Historical artefacts Memory as metaphor/allegory Unreliable memory Family archives/photo album Digital obsolescence 2nd alienation (guilt) The particular/personal Bohemianism The Pre-Raphaelites Wilderness/cultivation Nation/identity Town/country Provincialism Social class Robin Hood legend Landscape UK Norway Alienation from nature Climate Agriculture Medievalism Pastoral Collective memory Landscape archetypes The idea of the rural vs. the reality of the rural Agriculture shaping the land Landscape as a container for memory/history Topoanalysis Psychoanalysis and space Heterotopias Postindustrial labour The 'natural world' The sublime Romanticisation of rural work Hop-picking Landscape as a conduit for emotion Seasonal farm work Landscape as a battleground Scotland - sheep/pine forests Highland clearances "Keep Britain Tidy" Minority groups Immigration Work & leisure, country & city Seaside towns Kent (the 'Garden of England') White Cliffs of Dover The artist's holiday Do I look weird? Try refreshing the page, or open me in Safari Narrative painting Social realism Frescoes & altarpieces Drawing Faces Quantum states End of Empire (Hong Kong 1992) Channel Tunnel 1992 Poll tax riots Thatcher/Major/Blair Good Friday Agreement 1998 (House prices and transport) Nationalism Enclosures Jung - archetypes What can the past reveal about the present? Socialist utopias (Morris, Orwell) Feudalism Bloomsbury Group The Fabian Society Landscape as a social document Regional specificity Childhood Painting process & materials Holidays Anthropocene The universal Representation/Abstraction Introduction/Index Romanticism Ross-shire sheep riots Homepage The unknown/secrets/gaps Rise of the EU (Maastricht Treaty 1992) YBAs